Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (2024)

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  • V

    vinc14Bronze Member

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    Suunto smart heart rate belt.
    How to check if it is active and connected with the watch without starting a activity?
    have a nice day

    • Suunto Vertical Steel solar All Black (SS050978000) and Made in Finnland
    • Suunto Smart Heart Rate Belt (SS050579000)
    • Suunto Zoop

    Android APP: 4.100.4

    Linux (Debian) Laptop (No Windows)

    02.10.2024 Udate 2.37.48

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    • B

      Brad_OlwinModerator @vinc14

      last edited by

      @vinc14 You must have an activity running for the belt to connect. You will see the HR icon appear with straps instead of just a heart.

      Vector/T6c/Ambit 3 Peak/S5 Copper/S3/S7 Ti/S9 baro Ti/S9P Ti/S9PP Ti/Vertical Ti/Race Ti/RaceS/Ocean/Wing

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        Todd DanielczykGold Members @Brad_Olwin

        last edited by Todd Danielczyk

        @Brad_Olwin @vinc14 I will also add that you can add the heart rate belt into your Suunto app and connect. Once connected it will show you your heart rate and this will show it is reading correctly. I’ve done this to make sure the belt is getting a good signal and that the battery is not dead.

        Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (5)

        From there you can start an activity and the watch will pick it up (showing the green heart with lines)

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          vinc14Bronze Member

          last edited by

          i found out you just have to select the start - wait a bit - then the heart with straps appear

          • Suunto Vertical Steel solar All Black (SS050978000) and Made in Finnland
          • Suunto Smart Heart Rate Belt (SS050579000)
          • Suunto Zoop

          Android APP: 4.100.4

          Linux (Debian) Laptop (No Windows)

          02.10.2024 Udate 2.37.48

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          • A

            Audaxjoe @Todd Danielczyk

            last edited by

            @Todd-Danielczyk do you know if that works with any HRM or just Suunto?

            Suunto Vertical
            Suunto 9 BARO
            Garmin Fenix 3, 5
            Suunto Vector

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              Todd DanielczykGold Members @Audaxjoe

              last edited by Todd Danielczyk

              @Audaxjoe Good question… I can check it tonight when I get home to see if it works with my other HR band (Coospo H808).
              I’ll keep you posted.

              Edit I am on Android so I will double confirm if it works or does not with my other “non-Suunto” HR belt - see below

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              • M

                Mff73 @Audaxjoe

                last edited by

                Dépend on OS. It seems to work with iOS, but not with android app

                Suunto Spartan Ultra (since 2016) FW: 2.8.24 (retired)
                Suunto Vertical all black
                Wife : S9PP
                SA: Always the latest beta :)
                Android 13, Galaxy S205G

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                • A

                  Audaxjoe @Mff73

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                  @Mff73 I’m Android. I have a Polar Verity Sense OHR. SoI need to change that to a chest strap for the latest updates . Might as well go Suunto Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (14)Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (15)Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (16)

                  Suunto Vertical
                  Suunto 9 BARO
                  Garmin Fenix 3, 5
                  Suunto Vector

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                    Todd DanielczykGold Members @Audaxjoe

                    last edited by

                    @Audaxjoe so I checked the Coospo on the android app.

                    And… it works.
                    Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (19) Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (20)

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                    • M

                      Mff73 @Todd Danielczyk

                      last edited by

                      What?! Suunto smart heart rate belt - how to check if active and connected? (24).
                      So it doesn’t work with my veritysense on my android app, but is working with your non Suunto sensor.

                      Suunto Spartan Ultra (since 2016) FW: 2.8.24 (retired)
                      Suunto Vertical all black
                      Wife : S9PP
                      SA: Always the latest beta :)
                      Android 13, Galaxy S205G

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                      • T

                        Todd DanielczykGold Members @Mff73

                        last edited by

                        @Mff73 could be that both the Coospo and Suunto are not optical where your Polar is?

                        Might be that you need a resistance style to work.

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                        • M

                          Mff73 @Todd Danielczyk

                          last edited by

                          Maybe, but optical or not, it is a BT device which is sending HR values. So why app won’t connect is a mystery.

                          Suunto Spartan Ultra (since 2016) FW: 2.8.24 (retired)
                          Suunto Vertical all black
                          Wife : S9PP
                          SA: Always the latest beta :)
                          Android 13, Galaxy S205G

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                          • A

                            Audaxjoe @Todd Danielczyk

                            last edited by

                            @Todd-Danielczyk thank you, how do you find the coospo? And which model is it? I noticed then on Amazon at a very competitive price.

                            Suunto Vertical
                            Suunto 9 BARO
                            Garmin Fenix 3, 5
                            Suunto Vector

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                            • T

                              Todd DanielczykGold Members @Audaxjoe

                              last edited by Todd Danielczyk

                              @Audaxjoe Works pretty good for me although I do like the Suunto HR better for mountain biking (gives slightly better consistency and I think it is due to the profile)

                              The Coospo H808S is the one I have and use it mainly with my indoor rower which runs Bluetooth/ Ant+ and connects just as fast as the Suunto when pairing to my watch. For the price, it is a solid choice and beep and color flash to let you know it locked/lost signal is a plus.

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                              • V

                                valki dhani @Todd Danielczyk

                                last edited by

                                by the way i am using garmin hear rate belt. it works fine with my suunto race S

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                                Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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                                Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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