The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


C. Hamdrielts BratauU Aaw BtwettBC Yeaterelajr Aftaratooav Ths SMOTHERED CliniAMEU. nineteen Persons Silled in the Reply ta Bnlae Pltmeew." Edttobs Exaicikis Having been absent MARSHALS AND AIDS, I THI DISTRICT COURT OP TEE Sbaeteenth Judicial District of tbe State cS 9mm Fravnelsca October fei 18T6. SCM AJkI TID1B TABLS. Competed by Taos.

Txaonarr. Ohronometes- and Tnatrait-t Maker. No. 18 Market street. Heae Caatravct Araiat Tate Basue CerraeUam Hatters A atorieeu Charge.

rfgmlar meeting of the Board of Bupenris- TUESDAY. St TTBITT Chinese Theatre. This Evening's Dispatclies. ors was held yestardar alternoon. His Honor Major Bryant in the chair.

COMMERCIAL. HA Visa ARRANGED WITH A number of petition and protests were-e- u. waxsaEi watxb, I WilDt tXAaaaO oeired and referred to tbe appropriate OonuBit- IN PENX- RAILROAD STAIPEDE ON ACCOUNT OF A CKI OF FIBS A KT1BEB SEVERELY tXJCBED. OZ3 17. A.

A17D11SW8, ACCIDENT SYLVANIA. IUKa-ii. i sTr.M. i a. at.

i it.i. GBkXD aritiaTTAT. of tbe Democratic reces SAX FBAJK3BOO. October Legal Tsndsr buying, sellinx, MM Saw 5id opmed at 11 at A. at, 1X.

nil? J. 8 Bund of 1881 -li'a MOAI ABOVI 1X1 BOeA 60XTBAT. Mr. Gibbs presented a oominnalcation from K. R.

Merriam, relative to the hose oontract. Itwaa read by retiuest. The writer states that It was the sua. 17 sion to take place on Saturday evening neat, about the colors for Scarfs, we are prepared to furnish nearly a week from tne city, on my return my attention was called to another commnntcatioa from the veracious "Bose Pioneer," tn the San Francisco Chronicle, reflecting on the loyalty of the Idaho Democracy tn general, and that of the Hon. F.

Ganahl in particular. I should have thought the card published la the Chronicle by Mr. GanafaL sufficient, in refutation of the charges made against him by Pioneer," and signed by both Republicans and Democrats, refuting every charge he made and every statement he advanced, convicting him of 'cool, willful tad deliberate falsehood and misrepresentation." Afilo, fairly riddled by the hot shot Hit the Idaho correspondent of the Examiner, over which he now whinea like a whipped cor," it waa to be hoped that having been convicted of so many falsehoods, that a decent regard for himself wonld impose a respectful alienee on Pioneer." Bnt not so. With surprise he learned the oontract had been doTernor Dix to Accept the the city and county of San GILUI1. PUlBUff- BBIBaiCS A.

Action broneht in the District Oourt cf the Nineteenth Judicial District of the State ofCeii fornia, in and for the city acd county of 8an Jnuil eisco, and the complaint filed in said city and county of San Francisco, in the office of the laws of said District Court. The People of the State of Calif Ornia send areas, tng to Frederick A. Gill, defendant. Ton are hereby required to appear in an sotios brought against yon by the above named plaintiff in the District Court of the Nineteenth Judicial District of the Bute of California, in and far the city and county of San Franoieoo, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days exclusive of the day of service.) after the service on yon of this summon if served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but in this district, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to ba prayer of said complaint. The said action la bronsht to obtain a decree of this Oourt dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exiting between plaintiff and defendant, on the around set forth in the eomDlalnton file otxter BavdlcsU CavrHpalgtal FaUseltoexl Pabllsbiad 1st the Cb.roalcle." San.

W. C. Hendricks, State Senator, has request 3d us to publish the following communications, which conclusively give the lie to an artt. ela published in the San Francisco Ckronuit. The communications are self-explanatory, and we cheerfully give space to the denial of one of the most despicable falsehoods invented by that Sensational sheet.

TRX UK AXD ITS AT7TH0BB. From what follows, it is easy to determine bom Whom the CaromeJ got its a'ory. When the Oegon Gulch Gold Mining Oompany took hold of the Morris Bavins p-o party, and showed a determination to path the work to a profitable basis, a number of small claimants cropped np. Men who had old claims, who had long ago sold or abandoned them; and who now saw that the7 Were likely to prove valuable, wanted to get them back. The; threw obstacles in tfce way of the work, in the way of the Company's getting a patent to thir lands, and by other means sought to throw in tbe path Of the Company.

Some of them engaged a law firm in this eity. known as Hoyt, Siars and McKee, to bring their claims into Court, promising an teTUne; Exohenae. A few minntea before twelve o'clock last Aids to the Grand marshal, 24 aiu wmi union. 27 "o' evening, a t-mble accident occcurred In the Chinese Theatre on Jackson street, which resulted in tbe death of nineteen Chinamen and the mortally wounding of about a dozen more; District Marshals, and Aids to District Marshals, With all the neotaaary Radical domination for Mayor. 3tt4rlOMX TwTlT-l iTlj a csx or nag ArriTeii.

Hoiroax. October BrstmrBelgic, Metcalf.29 ds fm Hongkong, via Yokohama ds: pass and mdse ioOOI8 Co. Bark Forest Queen, Barns, it ds fm Port Idtdlow lumber, etc to Dingier Bktne Gawle.McGuire, lSdsfrn Port Madi son lumber and latDs to A Meigs. Schr Annie Gee, Simseoe. os fm Oresoent Oity lumber to Hobba, Pomeroy A Co.

be or Seve os. Abel, 7 ds Humboldt-lumber to Holcomb. Sebr Eadora, Leanea. 17 ds Kediak: fars, etc. to Alaska Com Co.

Schr Big Kirer, Kelson. 1 ds fm Meodoano: lumber to Co. wis raised from the burning of some matting in iWisd. fhan, K.sacaed 6JI723 Tf eot-Swine-. Se: taw-, 3So I all.

ao barry. LrvxarooL. October a REG ALIA awarded to e. w. lajior; ne repreeenui a nonse that deals In these tjooda, and after the city's requirements were brought to his notice, he at ODoe made the acquaintance of Meggra Boyce and Edwards, wbo assured him that the matter of contracting for the hose was entirely in their hands, and is frank enough to say that he was misled by these gentlemen.

After discuing the matter as to the merits of toe different kinds of hose, the Oommittee finally settled on the earbolired Maltese Cross brand, which brand the writer offers to furnish tbe city as follows: 10,000 feet, 4-pIy with 5-piy capped eodst the same as tn Mr. Taylor's proposal, now on file, at tl 25 per foot tn gold coId, or tl 40 per foot In enrrency, including couplings complete. After talkinir with Mr. Edward, he was in tbe upper stary, and a stampede felloweJt The tarri. entrance to the theatre Is through a long, narrow corridor, at tbe end of which are five or six steps.

io 3iaio si Required for the occasion. Those who have ao cepted appom menta are 1 que ed to call early aud leave the order fo that none msy be dls v6d'Clwd leading to tne aoor tnrougn which the audience rjaiifcrnis Weat Ceiilonue Cu'j United Spates Bonds appo-nted. NOB0RO83 a LoirDOjr, October 11 106 haa to pass. A few feet back of, and parallel with this door, was a partition built of one-inch Masonie Temple, ocS15t post street. THB AKH1VTICE NOT SIGNED YET.

Bchr Aurora, Birkohlm. 7 ds fm Cool Bay: coal and lumber to Flanagan A Mann. Soar Jtnergy. looes, ds fm Shoalwater Bay; herein, to which epecial referanoe is made; slag that the custody of tbe minor child, Bva be awarded to plaintiff, and that defendant be polled to pay to plaintiff a reasonable sum for alimony, and fur general telief. especial reference to the complaint is hereby made.

fREBTM. ETC. boards and reaching half way to the ceiling While the perioral an oe waa going on some one In the audience rsied the cty of fire. The alarm wss groundless, bnt it created a panic, and a great portion of thjse in the auditorium and In the TUZBDA.T. Oo'ober 2L enormous contingent fee in the hopeless hope of sucoee." It Was from this firm, no doubt, that the Ckrtnde obtained the material fer Its silly The Ultimatum of Russia to Btmr Salinas, Wallace, 11 nrs fm Santa Crnz.

And yon are hereby if yon fail to the Porte. Schr Alfred, Ackerman, 24 hrs fm Mendocino lumber to Co. appear and answer the said complaint, a above He returns to the charge, telling us the loss of his memoranda of dates, evsnts and and a treacherous memory was the sole cause of hia errors 1 Yet again tbe moan tain labors, and brings forth a very small rodent, so we Will now proceed to "investigate," at the Republicans say they will tbe Chinese question, and compare Idaho notes as to the comparative honesty of Idaho Democrats and Republicans. Pioneer adverts with great unction to the "defaulting Democratic Treasurer of Boise county, A. Sloe urn," and tbe great inconvenience it caused a Democratic Legislature by the loss of the Territorial portion of Slocum'g default waa much to be regretted, particularly.

He being a Democrat. But it la much more to be regretted.that "Boise Pioneer" lost that memotauda, and that his memory is sensation. xbx orncrjis or tbjs ooanAXT sfcaX rLAorLi gallery, wuiou saa running down to le front door, started for the only means of exit. Some of the forem' st fell or were pushed Schr Three Sisters, Basmnasen. 8 ds fm Shear reqntrea, tne sua piamtin win appiy to to Oourt for the relief therein demanded.

water My oyniere fco owanoerg, est A Uo. The following stateeaent of the offl rs of the bchr Alice Bjm ball, Allen, IS hrs fm Coffer's down tne sua aivym uwuu ao tne oorrldor and those came after them fell pell-mell on Given wilder my hand and seal or the matnet Oourt of the Nineteenth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the airy aad Mining Company on this Coast sneaks for it. Ktc. Btr. them.

Tuisdat Emms. October 11. Tbe Alaska will aail to-morrow at 11 at. for Honsions" and Yokohama. Tbe Senator will be daa from a and way port to-morrow.

Tbe Anooa will sail for Baa Diego and way porta on Tharsday it 10 a. M. The Constantine, from Baa Lois Oblsoo and war porta, will be doe to-morrow. The OoqniUe for Eoreka, Hookton and Areata, will sail to-morrow at 9 o'clock. The Dakota will be due from Victoria and Paget Sound porta on Friday.

The Ajoj, front Portland, will be due to-morrow. Schr Laura May, Ackermen. 6 ds fm Coos Bar lamber to Dean A Uo. THB straSDra OBowS COPi, iiHLEB STOCK BROKERS, SAN FRAff- (OLD) BOARD, 3 SB self: Saw FaAHCIsoo, Ootober 30, 1876. We, the offioers of the Oreeon Gulch Gold county of San Francisco, this 23d day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and asventy-eix.

Bcnr Amenoui Girl, lAwrence. 6 ds fm Coca Bar: lumber to Deaa A Co. Schr Frithiof, Mattsjn, ds fm Coos Bar: 142 i 1 1 1 1 1 pushed on these, carrying the partition with them, and in a few minutes hundreds of China. formed that Mr. Edwards was dealing with the Company, and that he had so much lower offers it would be folly tor him to pat in a bid at the prices named.

Ha expressed some surprise at tbe time, and now he finds that the city Is paying 10 cents per foot more for the same goods he offered, with the same couplings and like guarantee. He furnished Virginia City with the same goods at considerably leas figures, and Is prepared at 48 hours notice to furnish Ban Francisco with several thousand feet at the figures named. He hoped this statement will open the way to an investigation. Mr. 8 trot her said the contract was not awarded to J.

W. Taylor, but to the Gutta Perots Ooaa. pacy. The communication was referred to the Committee on Finance. THS OOJtnXTT OJTTBACT IJtVALTD.

Mr. Soother, Chairman of the Judiciary Oommittee, presented an opinion from the City and County Attorney on tbe sewer-cleaning contract, which was read and filed. Mr. Burnett claims that the contract is invalid, Inasmuch as the last Legislature passed an Act authorizing the Board SPECUl TO DULY EUffJSER. lm 01 UOUTT.I THUS.

U.KY BOLUS. C1STX. Mining Oompany, incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana, desire to make the fol WUB WM. VWV Mill iOOl- By Oulin M. Boyd.

Deputy A Brooks, Plaintiff's Attorneys. men were piiea on top 01 each other, some screaming, others moaning, and others crying in Chinese and English A few minutes after the accident occurred a few offioers rushed to the scene and attempted to render assistance, bat their efforts were in vain see lawimw Mokdai. October to. lowing statement in reply to the charges of the Ban Francisco Carenicls, with reference certain mining operations being conducted in Butte county, with which that paper bonnects the 0VIcx3.tnVVxxox-y- Btmr City of Pan amy Seabary, Victoria and Port Governor DIX te Accept the Radical Konlinatioa for Mayor towneena; wuiiama, isiancnard a Co. Stmr Los Angels Thorn, Wilmington; Goedall, name of Governor Thomas A.

Hendricks, of In- for a little while, as tuose cninamen who km IN THB DISTRICT COURT OP TEM Twelfth Judicial District of the of Cali nn njnred refused to render any assistance or Haw Toax Ootober 3L General John A Dix has consented to accept the Radios! nomination First We state that Governor Thomas A. Hen 6SXEKi MKCaANDIgS. The A O. 8. Co's steamer Belgie, from Olongkong, via Yokohama, arrived yesterday.

The following is a synopsis of her cargo, together with Its destination: Br snip Staghound, Why te, Queenatown; Fslk. ner. Bell A Co. stand back. A reinforcement of police, under fornia, in and for the city and county Of Saa dricks is not President of the Oregon Gulch Jld Br ship Greenock, Slater.

Cork; Tea Boseh oc31 Francisco. Mining company, better known as the Hen for Mayor. Another Badietl Komiaatiea la Mew Turk. so bad. or he might have found that about tbd same time, a Republican thief, Horace Gibv: son; levanted wilh $41,000 of Territorial money drawn by him from the First National Bank of Portland Oregon, and who has never since then ben aeen or heard or in Idaho, which will slightly account for the scarcity of funds in the Territorial Treasury that year, and the commotion of the Idaho Legislature it its loss.

Those memoranda might also furnish some account of the $66,000 al-alleged to have been lost in a railroad that lmmaoalate Republican Governor of Idaho. ERNXo I IE SCHRAMM. Plaintiff, re. laASa; dricks Mining Oompany, nor was he ever Presi TliTK SOHhVA MM, Defendant, dent 01 any mining or other Company ut tl State-. Action brought in the District Oourt of the Saw Toax.

October SI. L. P. Morton, of Mor BANK OF CALIFORNIA, ton, Bliss a has been nominated for Con Tea. BUk.

Mdse ij 1 161 1 2.8M 68 M16 1 ll.JSJ To New York. Boston. Montreal Other cities. Baa Beoond That the ground in Butte county, known as the claims In Morris Ravine, and with whioh his name la connected, was purchased ia Twelfth Judicial District of the State cf California, in and for the city and county of San Fnn-cisco. and the complaint filed tn said city mad county of Ban Francisco, in the ofboe of the gress by the Radical Convention of the strict SAN RAN CISCO.

in this eity now represented by Mr. alia. or about 1866 years before Governor Hendricks S5.000.000 Clerk of said District court. ever came to this coast. Third That application was made in Febru 1 4 M08DAT.

October 10. Btmr Banta Oruz. Leland. Santa Cms, eto. btmr Mary Taylor, Martonson, Moro Bay.

Btmr Pearl, Bay, Stmr City of anama. Seabury. Victoria, etc Br ahip baliebury, Care, Cork. Br ship Talesman. Craigie.

Cork. Bktne Webfoot, Wheelwright, Shoalwater Bay. Tuesday, October 11. Bark Aureola, Malgram. Seattle.

Bktne Jos Perkins, Joanson, Port Gamble. amamorauait. Traasactioas in ths A aerie ia Iain Board The People of the state of California Bend arv. 1873. tbronga W.

C. HeDdncka. and under FRESIDXKl To-day. CAPITA, D. O.

MILLS WILLIAM ALTORD THOMAS BBOWS tbe laws of tbe United States, for a patent to tbe ground, etc, purchased, without any con Haw Toax, Ootofear 31. Transactions at tbe greeting to Frank Schramm, defendant: Tou are hereby required to appear in aaaetiOBl brought aesinst you by the above named plaintul-in tbe District Oourt of the Twelfth Judicial Captain Douglass, came np tn a short time and cleared tbe spot around which lay the fallen mem The officers worked with a will, removed tbe debns, and in a little while commenced taking odt the unfortunates who had been ernsbed to death by those who fell on them. TAKING OUT THJ DEAD. As soon as taken out they were earried to the street and laid on the sidewalk. The fresh air revived a few.

bnt the- majority were dead, After they had all been taken out It was discovered tbat twenty -One were dead and about fifteen Were wounded; Some of the wounded were taken away by friends and others were taken to tae Receiving Hospital. Tne dead were taken to the morgael While the dead and wounded were being removed the polios endeavored to press Chinamen into the service of removing tbe in jared and those whose life had 11 id, but thi-y refused to help. The actors, fully aware of what had occurred, continued playing on the stage as if nothing had happened, and it was not until Captain DougUul Ordered them to cease playing that they pnt a atop to the OAOIilFB sultation witn uev. ttenoricKs. and without tb British shin India, whioh vessel took so sad.

den a departure from this port without clearaace papers, earried 28.853 etls Wheat, rained at The British ships Greenock and Staghound cleared yesterday the former for Cork, with 42,61 etls at tt.S and the latter for Queens-town, with 13.SS Is Wheat, Talued at $56, Is'. The to employ nun and carts for the performance of tbat work. THI SCSaH'lH BTBKaTt OaASaX The Oommittee on Streets recommended that the grade of (Seventh street, from King to the oath line of Santa Olara street, be established tn accordance with the scale presented by tbe Oity and County Surveyor. It Is also reported in favor cf the petition of J. W.

Taylor for the right of way for railroad tracks, and to ran ears thereon, propelled by steam, on Bills and ether streets to Mission Greek. xhb TKAnrcxa skip. Mr. Macdonald, of the Training-ship Committee, stated that there are seventy-three boys on board tbe training-ship aatsYtosnt, and all are in good health snd under good discipline. The Mayor Inquired how many bays there are In toe Industrial School, and wss informed by Mr.

Macdonald that there are 13S or UO. TBA Kouaa TOniacrrios. The Committee on the House of Correction. Mining Board to-day were 1,860 share: Cleveland, Consolidated Virginia, Oroxn Point, IS; Grant, Jatioe, 27; Lucerne, IS; District of the State of California, in aud for tte AGH.KTNI city and county of Ban Francisco, and to answer Per Kunarm Hji mh hIm fMn, A vx ih. Caleb Lyon, of Lyons Jala.

The next in order of the "truly loil" is John 6. Gear, Internal Revenue Collector, now undergoing punishment in the Penitentiary of Idaho for a little mistake in hia acconnta of $30 000, a web-foot appointee of Landaulet Williams. Next oh the black-list comes a trio or IT. S. Marshals: Major Alvord first, tomi next.

Marshal Moulton, of Moulton Hall, from the Hub; and brother-in-law, bleaa-the-mtrk, of the carpet-bag-cadet-vendor of South Carolina, $10,000. I could ventilate a few HEW agency of The Bank of California Bret par of passage Out 46 1, had a heavy thunder bis knowledge; tbat the officers ef tae Land Office at MarysvUlet against tae protest of the Company: and agaius tne protest of our legal adviser Mr. P. O. Hundley, of Oroviue, sent tne application to the General Land Office, and not, as is a'-ated, at the request and instance of Mexican, 90H; Ophir, 66; Overman, S3; Silver aau uau storm, lasting 11 hours; thence alt winds, BOSTON TBEMOKT HATIONAL BASS tbe complaint mea inerem witnm tan aays (exclusive of the day of service) after the aerrioe os you of this summons if served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but ns City, Yellow llJacket CHICAGO TJ3TION NATIONAL BAHI ST.

LOC1S BOTMKHB SAVING BANI tbe company. Railroad Accident ia Pennsylvania Coal Traia of the Delaware, Laehawaaa and Fourth That a firm of attorneys in San Fran KBW ZEALAND BASK OF NEW ZEALAND oisob, known as Hoyt, Bears McK-e. acting for LONDON. CHINA, JAPAN, INDIA, and AUS Western Railroad Bans late a Passenger tralB-Sirie Dead Bodies Recovered List BAN DIKGO Arrived Oct llst-Stmr Orizaba, Johnston, hence Oct 28th. BAN TA BABBABA Sailed Oot Mat Stmr Senator, Ingalis San Francisco.

PORTLAND Arrived Oct 10th Bktne Tsm O'Bnanter, Patterson, hence Oct 24th: list, stmr Geo Elder. Connor, heuee Oct 28th. PORT TOWNbEND Arrived Oot wth Bark 6a TRALIA THB ORMNTAIi BANS COB this district, within twenty uaye, wmerw ia 1 lain forty days -or by default will be taken againat yon, according to the prayer cf said complaint. The said action is brought to obtain a decre of this Oourt dissolving the bodsof matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds stated in the oemplaint. and our opponents.brougbt suit in the District Court to prevent the issuance of our title, and while this suit was pendizg these papers were arb of the Kilted aud Wonnded.

POBATlOf traruy sent to tne General Land Omse from the rat ret nested to report upon a suggestion In lham nntli Ih. hnlid- SoaABTOx, October 81. A fearful accident on the and Western Railroad Land Office in MsrySvUla. moeet, atartia, hence Oct via. The Bank has Agencies at VIBGIXTA CK and GOLD HTMi.

and Coraesaondente in all Flfta That after the papers had so been sent swarding to plaintiff the cusuay 01 tne mmw last night occurred on Lehigh Summit, on Paco. THE BLACK UT. NAtbaniel Holland's Argument EX-poel by Hon. John C. Burcti.

child of the patties her -to; also, awarding far principal Mining Districts an 1 Interior Towna arbitrarily to the General Land Office, Governor Hendricks, at tbe request of W. O. Hendricks, an officer rf the Oompany. went to the General the raclfio uoass. plaintiff an equitable portion of the common noma mountain, twenty miles from Scran to n-The regular train to Sew Tork and Philadelphia, Letcere mt Credit loan 4, Available In Land Offloe, and there learned froin Willis Drum- property and restraining aeienoant irom aispua-lng of, or encumbering the property desoriced in the complaint, to which reference is hereby consisting of seventeen passenger1 ooaohea, had more of that ilk, but above, will show some or the little Republic pranks in Idaho the past nw years.

Now, the truth is, the only Federal official who ever held offloe in that Territory, that squarely balanced bis ao-couuts with the Governor, was a Democrat, John 0. Carroll, reiver tf Pnblio Moneys, removed for hia politics by General. Grant I It appears to me that Pioneer" lives in a glass-house, and must not throw 'tones, neither is it true that the stripes and atari were ever trailed in the dust, or an Irish or Confederate flag borne aloft in the procession through centrevilie or any other portion of Boise county. Tbere were some thousands of good Union Democrats then in Boise Basin, mond. the then Commissioner, ihst no action All Parts of Ch World.

about 1,300 passengers on board. The train Waa could be taken In the maiter until the District Court of California had decided the suit brought made, and to recover irom deienaaut aumouy, conns! fees and costs of suit, together witn two hours behind time, and reaching the aum San Fbahcisoo, October SO, 1876. Major John C. Maynard. Secretary Demo ratie State Central Committee -Daab Stat My reply to a pertinent inquiry as to the powers and duty of thn '-Chief Supervisor" of Elections, has call, ed forth a very lengthy article from one Nathaniel Holland, attorney-at-law of this city, la the Bui- DRAW DIRECT on London, Dublin, ParU, lor the claimant by Hoyt, tars at

mlt stopped for water from the tank, while there general relief. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, aa above Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Frankfort-O-M, Antwerp, Amsterdam, St, Petersburg, Copenhagen, a heavy coal train Sixth Tnat a final decision has not yet been reached in tbat jurt, and therefore ths whole matter remains unsettled. Stockholm. Christiana. Locarno, Meioourne, BAN INTO THS KB AS OF A PA83XNGSB TaAIlf, required, the said plaintin will appl to IBS uourv for the relief therein demanded.

Sydney, Auckland, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yoko Severn and last That Governor Hendricks VI lAB aVBUIIlK, telescoping the cars through and through, hama. Given under my hand and seal of the Distrtct Fearing that on the eve of tbe most important elec.ion ever had In this eoun ry some Voters may and breaking five others. The scene tbat ensued was heartrending, although by the Bstaiarm Prta. NSW YORK Arrived Oct 30th Ship Josephine, Rogers, from Dsmarisootta, to load for San Francisco. Bailed Oct list Ship Frank Jones, Ross, San Francisco.

raretex ona. tli ANGHAI Sal'ed Sept 1 5th Ship Btar of the Weet, Gardner, Ban Francisco. VICTORIA Arrived Oot iith-Park Basse, benee Oct Udt bktne Malay. Foster, hence VNJt loth. Sailed Oct Kth-Stmr Dakota, Morse, San Fran- CISCO.

HAMBURG Arrived Oct 27th Gex bark Ba-tavia, Qaedens. hence June th. ct Btb-Br bark Ella N100I. Wilson. Han rrancisso.

001 12th-Stmr Great Re-pablic. Cobb, hence Seot 1st. On berth Oos 2d ship Alice Buck. Harriman; ship Alex McNeil, Pet tes: Ger bark Dr Peterman! Siegener ell for San Francisco. RI DE ANEIRO-Oleared Sept 28th Ship Yo-semite.

Mack, ban Fraovieco, having completed repairs; loth, ahip Bargeat, bwett, ban Fran- Valejfrap ale Poikt Lobos. October ll-Us, Weather hazy: wind light N. lng oyer to the Sheriff as a branch Jail, Mr. Strother desired It understoedt newspapor declarations to the contrary notwithstanding, that th House pf Correction was under the charge of Republicans, and not Democrats. He read an article which appeared In the Port on the 24 ch accusing the Democratic party of mat-administration.

He said that It was known to every one that the House of Correction Committee was controlled by a majority wbo were not elected by the Democratic party. It was unjust, and unfair to make such a charge under tbe eirenmstancea, and he (Milled on tbe Committee to report upon the matter. I have a right to do so, aid Mr. Strotaer, We should knowwby It takes ten men to guard eleven prisoners. la answer to tbe reflection cast by tbat article; I ask tbe Committee to make a reports Later tn the evening Supervisor troth er again requested the Honse of Correction Committee to report on the Special Message of bis Honor the Msyor.

Mr. Drucker said ne would do so he had a test ca-e-. Mr. Strother replied sarcastically to Mr. Dmckert answer, and said be would request the Board to ask for tbe repo't.

Mr. Wise said he was not sure whether the Board conld turn tbe institution Into a branch Jail; bat he was tn favor of dis HEADQUARTERS Oourt of the Twelfth Judicial Diet riot of tne State of California, in and for the city and county of Ban Francisco, this 7th day of October, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred acd seventy -six. most miraculous circumatanoe the number of killed were but few. The Scran ton Republican Grand Democratic Demonstra be deterred from the proper exercis- of their undoubted rights, in further reply to yonr former letttr and. in hope that no legal voter will bs deterred on the day of election from the discharge of his duty I have this to say: In the case of the U.

vs. William Oruksbank et decided at the October term (Seal) THUS. a. axisuuia, ijiera. By J.

D. Buggies, Deputy Clerk. B. Thompson, Plaintiff's Attorney. cell law2mW tion, ZZaIIi October 81st, 18T6.

(76) of the Supreme Court of the u. as also in tbe case of the C. 8. vs. Beese et al de cided at the same term, each rendered and 7 He Grand Demecratie Demonstra written by the present distinguished Chief Jus 1 19th Diet.

Oourt. .101 EMTL et al. very many known to tbe writar of this article, who had already seen mica service in the Union ranks. Aa to Mr. Ganahl he took no part in Territorial politics.

He was not in the Territory In 1864, nor did he take any part In Mr. Holbrook's canvass of 1S68. He never sat In or run for the Council or Honse. Never looked for office of any kind, which he might very easily have attained, if so inclined. Brilliant, gifted, and able aa a lawyer, with an extensive and lucrative practices both civil and criminal, honorable and high-minded, esteemed alike by both Republicans and Democrats, none but the basest slanderer would attempt to assail hia charfxtsr 1 We hope we may hear no more of "Boise Pioneer," until those lost memoranda are found, tion, advertised to take place Friday Night, is tice Waite the right of citizens, of Federal Su of Sale VS.

steamer City of Panama, for Victoria, had a miscellaneous cargo, including 261 ctls Barley, tOUqr aks Flour, 201 sks Oornmeal. 1107 mate Rice, eta. The steamer Bdlgie brought Hongkong dates to October 2d. The supply of Flour had been somewhat increased and prices were lower. In Rise the market had ruled steadier, and owing to moderate locks, prices offering were 1 to 4 oents per pioui higher.

Flour was quoted at 1 24d1 30 for or sks Canton White Sugar, $5 20,35 White Slam Bice' 141S5: Pearl Barley, 3S07 Ginseng first iuslity American, tlMjfje: Black Pepper. lift 6 40; Cloves. J4M per pi, nU Bh. aUoWags ri-vieee from Yokohama to tfes 11th inst In refer-ao to the Tea market the JiMn Very little has been done in oar markets siaee data of oar last iaJOB, saitlements fer the period only amounting to im. The most notable b.

demand for Finest and olaBM, at en Dancing prices; oim etili continues Tery scarce and are firmly held or 43 te 48 per pol. othe tM tm no p(oial tmma Ella Nichol aailed from this port onlctberSthwit2J8.lGJ Bs Tea for San Fran-isco." BREAD The California Cracker Oompany give tie following quoUtions for the product their Bakery: Crackers-Assorted, lsi2-; Boston Cream. Graham. Picnic. Santa Olara.

Sugar and Oyster. 8a Cakes Jenny land and Ginger. 9Xo Seed. lVat Congress, 'Jk; Lemon. 10c; Ship Bread, lyo; PUot Bread.

Saloon Pilot. 7e OOFFEH-Sales are made at the following rates-Ooeta Guatemalv2i Jth.O Ground Coffee, 25c mit7OUZ follows: Lshigh, haaberlar.i. in cairn: MoCnt Diablo. S6 35 SS for lamp raj a tot Scotoh, ea10; BWy. tluU; West Hartley.

H12; BeUing-Va Bay. fS Coos Bay, Bsrsnton, 1314; Vanoonver Island and iO SOail Seattle 10; LiTerpoel. 1((H5 AastraUaa, 110 25311: Wellington, 10 595811 ton. DSIKD FRUIT-Mairhet treU supplied at former ratee, as lollowa: Prunes, iasJU.S'01 Langnedoc Al-Eocds, my-bo; Zante Onrraata, 75c; Sicjrna rigs. 12V5o lb in drums layer $3 i 7 box- -utter price for assorted siaee Dried Ap.

Vlo 4H5o; Dried Peaches, 4i0a. FISH Quotable as follows: Salinsn, Lib tins CI 25(5(1 JO; 2- 353 20 doz; in bbls, $3 50 bbls.M5i5: Salmon Bellies, in bbls. kits, 1 150: Smoked Baimoa. 6SiCa37o Ko 1 Ma kerel, kits, IS Ha, 1 65l 80 fts. 1 W2; hi bbls, 81) Bss.

7 for No. 2 and 3 50 for No. hf bbls. 100 Bs. 7 50 for No.

2 and fa for No. 1. Eastern Codfish, 7)o; Paciflo Cod, in bdlo. in cs. Benelesi do, SHe 3 in os.

Pngs. Sound Picki4 Uerring, 2S-D) kits, tl 0. LKATHSS We qaoie as followa; California Bole, 2S27o 2J3Sc; Skirtins. 30c; Bcugh, Osif Skin, 10W ft; Wu te tber, foot side Kip kia 429 dos. hereby postponed to SATURDAY NIGHT, No pervisors of elections, and of States In the matter of is fully set forth.

Decree Of vember 4th. By order. Foreclosure. I cannot conoeiv of a case under these de DANIEL GREEN et al. oc31 A.

ANDREWS, Grand Marshal. this morning gives the following LIST OX XHB DXAD ADD WOUND XD, all of whom belong to this State: Killed David B. Pleice, Hamilton; J. Bragg, TJtioa. Wounded Tanman Baymour, Rome; Con.

Gay, Poebla; Lena Donald, Hamilton Mrs. Duffy Hamilton; Mrs. D. Carrlltoa of Hamilton; Mrs. Aboott, of Hamilton; Mrs.

A. H. Tut tie, of Columbus; Mrs. W. S.

Parker, of North Brookfleld; Frank Duffy, of Morrissonville; Edward Brainard, of Richfield Springs; Albert Thomas; of Sbeibourne; Hugh Rellly, of Columbus; Buos Parker, of Morrisville; Mrs. D. L. Norton, of Columbus; Miss Maggie Perry, of Watertown Mrs. Armstrong.of Morrisonville; J.

R. Bmith.o1 Green county; E. Jackson, of Richard's Springs' and Mrs. Latimer, making in all two killed outright, and 25 severely injured. The wounded missing the excess of employes.

Supervisor Hayes hoped the Committee wonld be able to make a progressive report at the next meeting. Mr. Mcdonald said he wonld vote -a KanT.nimN Nn. 9778 mew Series I Kx to the wife of W. It ainn.

That the Glerk be and he is hereby Tn this city, October 2lh. Keyston. a son. cisions wherein w.t'aiut i p-r process of a court any citizen or offljor, my be arrested: In fact the sections of the Fed ral statutes given at length by Jusge Holland in his labored article shows that he dare not of bis own motion attempt to interfere with a voter or election board on the 7th of November next. LHERTFF'B SALE.

Under and By virtue 01 an order of Bale and decree of forecleaure lasaed out of tbe District Oourt of the Jkine. teentb Judicial District of the State of OalifofSta, in and for the city and county of San Pranoisoo, directed to re-advertiae for proposals to perform in tnis city. October 28th, to the wife of Robert for the dismissal of some of the employes if a resolution to the effect were Introduced by tb'a the following street work, and poet tl same in tbe office of the Superintendent of Publio Streets uomnuuee on the 22d day of September, A. D. 1876, in the ami Hipbwavia.

aa reamrea DV jaw: In conclusion, my dear sir: I wonld advise The Question Of the locality of turning the in or constructing a ma Bewea-, wiw siauavn that through your Committee every citizen be informed that responsible to the "Penal Oode" and under the decision of the Election Board stitution into a branch jail was then discussed at length. The motion requesting the Oommittee to report was adopted, and cover, in the croselDg or ion ana Joaes Btree ts. with cesspools, culverts, curbs In this city. October 25th. Merritt F.

Gale to Mary Alice MoCanta. stolen from him ao doubt by some of tbeJCon-federate rebels in Idaho. When they are found he may possibly give us a alight sprinkling of facts, without aach an outpouring of fiction I VxariAS. has nothing whatever to do in conducting the affairs of this Company. A relative cf his is a stock-holder and offioer, and certain friends and acquaintances of his are stock-holders, but the Governor himself has nothing whatever to do with conducting the Company; has given no especial instructions with reference to its affairs, and should not be held responsible in any way for its workings.

8. Altord, President. W. C. Hendricks, Agent and Superintendent.

TBSXTAI3HX Of XX-SEMATOS PXaKTKS. Ex-Senator George 0. Perkins, for many years a resident of Butte County, and entirely conversant with all the facta in the case, has contributed the following unsolicited testimony'-Here is what Mr. Perkins says: Sam FtLANcrsoo, October 0, i878. Ebrroas ExAMtEtant I cave read the above statement of S.

Alvord, and Hon W. O. Hendricks, also the article published in the Chronicle to which the above relates, and I makethia statement enti ely unsolicited, actuated simply by a sense of Justice. I am an old cit.xen of Butte county, having resided at Oroville, within four miles of the above-named mining locality, for about twenty years; I am personally acquainted with Governor T. A.

Hendricks and E. 8. Alvord, and intimately acquainted with Hon. W. O.

Hendricks and all his operations connected with the location and management of the above mentioned mining enterprise, and I most unhesitatingly indorse the above statement of Messrs. Alvord and Hendricks, and pronounce the article published in the Chronicle ot yesterday and to-day as incorrect, unjust and calculated to produce impressions entirely at varianoe with truth and facts; believing snd knowing to my own satisfaction that W. C. Hendricks purchased and paid liberally and generouBly for all the rights his Oompany claim, and never thought or attempted to take the advantage of a single person who had prior rights. I also know of my own knowledge that Governor T.

A. Hendricks first came to this State long after tbe purchases were made, and tbe mine in operation, and then came as a visitor and tourist to our favored State, and not as a planner or manager in getting np a scheme. Much as I desire the election of Hayes and Wheeler, I cannot remain silent and consent to see their success aided by false statements. Respectfully yours, Oso. C.

PerkIns. and sidewalks on the southeasterly, southwester upon challenges preferred under the State law he iln Ootober Ibtb, Ludwig Wagner to rmperaror Drucker introduced the following: i.Vioferd, Thar the Police Judge be and Is above entitled action, wherein mil uriaar ana Rudolph Bteinbsch, the above named plaint ffa, obtained a judgment aud decree of forecloaure against Daniel Green and Arabella Green, hi wife, defendants, on the 6th day of August, A. D. 1876, which said decree was on the 7th day of September, A. D.

1876, recorded in Judgment Book of said Court, at page 13, I am commanded to sell- ly aud nortnwt sterly angular corners tnereoi. is entitled to vote. were conveyed to the Gouldsboro Hotel, where and coni-traetina euros ana siaewaias uu Arrests, except for combined obstruction to the corps of surgeons from Scran ton attended the northeasterly angular corner tnereoi. DlJESD. Alameda Uamocracy.

them. Mr. Seymour, Mr. Gay, Mrs. Dowell and Far constructing an Iron Btonx Plie sewer.

hereby requested, for toe purpose of making up a case to be tested the higher courts in reference to tbe power conferred upon the Police Court, to sentence to cooflnement, etc, in tbe House of Correction, some per legal voting, was never contemplated by the Federal law, and if it teas, all such pretended efforts to control our Bepublicau Government otherwise than through the will of tbe citizens, with flashing hole and cover, in Buh street, Mrs. Pieroe are not expected to recover. A pas Irom I von street to OentTM avanue. senger car caught fire in the wreck and waa con, In this city, October 1 Ith. Eats Hanagan.

aged 22 years. In this city, October 80th, Michael Delahanty. aged 41 years. in this oitv. OctahAr Dth T-hM For constructing pianx siaeais on a or have been thoroughly eliminated by tne deci Sam Liandbo, October 99, 1876.

Eds. Ixakinib: At an early hoar on tbe evening of the 24th the people of oar lit tie town filled Smith's Hall to listen to an ad street, from erce to Scott where not al Ail uiut certain lot, piece or parceL or ianu situate, lving and beiug in the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point ninety links doe north of tbe common corner of Sections 29, 26, 86 and sumed upon the track. The scenes and incL dents connected with the collision are described sions above referred to made by a non partisan Oourt. son or persons guilty of the offenses prescribed in the Act passed at the last session of the Legislature In relation to the House of Correction as provided therein. Adopted, ready constructed.

acd Belinda Doscher, aged 4 years, 8 months and This election sbould be conducted quietly and For a reawooa sewer, witn man. aa heartrending in the extreme. dress by Hon. J. D.

Fay. W6 are glad to find hole and Cover, in Seventeenth atreet. from o. In this city. October Sth.

William, son of Willism with due observance of the laws by ail voters as well as offioers I have said. Tours, 36, Township 2 Booth, Range west, as oy 01a A SBBIOUB CHABSB. While the bids for street work were being Folsom street to connect witn tne sewer in Sine Bodies Reentered. the sentiments of the majority of the people, even In San Leandro, are in favor of Tilden and eauergssE. sgeq years aad months.

section lines; thence south 87 east jso. U. uuacH Channel Btreet. Kxw York, October 81. A dispatch -from For furniBhlEtt and la 1 stone cutds on rn iha cm ads ouumti Eosrn'u- euce 18 chains 18 Unas; tnenoe norm east 27 96-100 chains to the Bockaway Bad; theuce Scranton states that nine dead bodies have been opened, Mr.

Strother moved that the Cierk be instructed to re-advertise for bids to lay basalt blocks on a portion of Third street; tbe lowest Reform; At least; we judge so from tbe large audience that attended the meeting, and who Mission street, from Eighteenth to Ninxeenh taken from the wrecked railroad tr ain at Lehigh Oclober SOth, Joe. S. Kip. a native ef New York, aged 45 years. October Jutb, Julia Mulchay, a native of Massa- Btreet; for constructing plank sidewalks thereon Alabama' Claims.

In the Oourt of Commissioners of Alabama north 87J4- east 63 links; thenoe conn ea nuts; thence sonth 87! wett 8 77 100 chains; thence figure being so cents; He neid that a con Summit. Where not already constructea: ior reconstruct north 34" west 6 chains SI lint' tnenoe sontu tne tbe sidewalks thereon, and for paving the came without tbe aid of a torch-light procession and a band of music. The address of Mr. Fay was able and very eloquent, and was received with frequent outbursts of applause. Claims, yesterday, at Washington, the following wuuooubs, kou year.

October Slat, Levi Van Reed, a native of Penn. sylvania, aged 68 years 894 west 11 chains to a point du nortn 1 rum blade, the Spiritualist, Sent to Jail aa a Ta roadway thereof with basalt blocks (except tbat porilon required by law to be ktpt in oider by judgments for the loss of personal effects and grant. the railroad eompacy Having traces tnereoiu Loxooh, October 31. Judge Flowers, in the For furnishing a id Using tt-ne curbs on wages by tne aestrnotion 01 various vessels were announced: Elixibeth A. Hardy, of Bin Francisco, dismissed; Joseph A.

Manuel, of San STOCK MASSiT. tract on these terms 18 excessive and extravagant; and alleged that tbere is a combination in basalt blocks to keep np tbe prices, and tbat sometimes it is impossible to set these blocks. To Illustrate his coQteutlon tbat tnere exlsta a combination, he referred to a contract to pave Market street between Sixth ang Seventh. G. Raisch apparently put in a bid at 45 cents, and it appeared that his signature bad been signed by Thomas A.

Reynolds. County Clers. Raisch afterwards Bow-street Oourt to-day, sentenced Blade to The meeting closed with three cheers for Tilden and Hendricks; also three cheers for the speaker. Am old Sitbscbibbb. three months' hard labor on his conviction un Francisco, diAmlssea.

Mason street, from Brotdway to Pciflo ktrtet; for constructing the sidewalks theretin wh re not already reconstructing the sidewalks thereon, and for paving the roadway Old Subscriber. Ssa Franeixo 8tc aad Exchange Board. der the Vagrant Act. Counsel for defendant gave notioe ef appeal, pending which Blade's pre. thereof with irrsnite blocks.

BALKg THIS KOBKnta. An old subscriber inquires whether any place vious bail was accepted. The sentenoe of the tbe pol of commencement; tnence cue eouui 31 6 100 chains te the point of beginning, being part of Section 25 of lownehip 2 South, Kue 6 West, containing 60 acres of land, inoret or h1. Public notice is hereby given that on THC US-DAT, the 9th day of November, A. D.

1876, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, in front of the City Hall, in the city and county of San Francisco, I will, in obedience to said order of Bale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above described property, or so moch thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, to the highest and beak bidder for gold coin of the United States. Ban Francisco, Ootober 18th, 1870. MATTHEW NCNAN, Sheriff. ocl8 26 nol 8 455 ANorc. 8 swore thai he had not put in a bid.

A bid by Mr. Jordan was at 33 cents. For constructing a brick sewer, with manhole and cover, in the crossing of Pok and Vallejo streets, with cesspools, culverts, curbs and aide- scd quotations of cereals are for Gold, unless otherwise speaiBed. 390 45 Julia. Court was received with applause and hisses by in Ireland having a Mayor is an incorporated city or not.

We answer that we have examined .440146 .461 25 Kentuck 7 1-' 1 JUMPING THtC COUNTRY. How the SI suiter of tbe Ship "India." Left tbe Harbor Witboat Gointr Through tue Formalities. Mr. Roberta said Mr. Kalsch did not get this 5l the spectators.

The Ultimatum of Bosnia to the Porte. contrat. lim 125 Ait 280 A Beloh liO walks on the angular corners tnereoi. for regrading California reet, from Powell 115 L. Brvan authorities respecting seveiai cities ana towns, and find those having Mayors are classed as mu- Mr.

Wise said he had been In favor of granite 24 7c 5 to Ma-oj si reef. lncipai boroughs. 30U Lady 2ni S4 blocks, but these blocks were not as well laid and did not make as good a pavement as basalt. He For paving the crossing of Folsom and Fifth IIH 125 19 Point On the 9th of last month the British ship FLOUR The jobbing ra.e at the city mills for best Estras is 5 7S 12 bbl latter for silver. HEAT The Liverpool market is Id lower to-dav.

Receipts 24.568 cUs per ship Great Admiral from Oakland. Salea ef 5200 aks good bay shipping anil SOW do do coast do on terms reserved-Shipping, 1 6'1 70: milling, CI 10 oil 77 fi otl. tow York did not think thiriy-nve cents an excessive price 12c Dasalt blooxs. And, the Clerk is hereby directed to ad vert is 1' India, Captain A. MePbalL arrived in this port Tbe Governor To-Night.

Governor Irwin and Mr. Charles A. Sumner 0 Niagara. 65 ODhir Con Va MTniaM1 St. PiTKBSBraa, October 81.

To-dsy's official paper states that General Ignatltff, the Russian Ambassador, has been Instructed to demand the Porte's acceptance within forty-eight hours of an armistice and suspension of hostilities; otherwise diplomatic relations between Russia and 50S52! this resolution asreauired by law. from Sydney, New South Wales, with a cargo 10 5 Ovroin 8 100., or Dasalt at tne loot 01 intra street, where tbere is heavy teaming, and a good foundation Is required. Mr. Wise cited canes, where granite had been laid down at greater cost, and formed any In Board of Supervisors. San of coaL 8 tie waa consigned to Cross A Co 10.

.5313011 2a will address the Democracy at Dash away Hall, this evening, on the issues of the day. Oo er SI, 1876. 10 20 610O and through them chartered to falkner, Bell IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TT3I Fourth Judicial District of the State ot BARLEY Sales of 4j sks good coast teed at 93 77 2 Pacific. A Co, to carry grain to Cork and a port that 5.0 do do, 9Sc, silver. Brewing, i 05(e)l 17 ctL bi uaiiior ft Turkey will be broken off, and General Ignatleff J2ie ll.Voiil 9lA thing but creditaDie pavement.

1 he Dasalt work done in the last three or four months he considered splendid work. California, in and for the city and county of Saa Execution Lxvikd. In the anit in the 270SNev JDaneeions Inventions. rrv- Many years ago, a gentleman in a subordinate department of the Bank of Ireland discovered a device more useful than hair-splitting, though of the like nature; he found ont a way of splitting bank-notes, ao that each note became two, and to all appearances were the aame as when they were one, including, of course, the water-mark and all the rest of it. He was an honest man, and informed the Government of the result of his ingenuity; whereupon, on his solemn promise of never revealing his secret, they made him Governor of the bank.

Another gentleman, bnt who, unhappily, is a rogue, has lately made his appearance ''n London. He has invented a certain acid which causes the writing to disappear from the check, and then he fills np the blank space according to his aspirations. His modus operandi is the following: He procures a real check, drawn by a good name, for seventeen or nineteen pounds, the word "pounds" is obliterated so completely that no traoe of the original writing can be discerned even nnder the microscope, and the words "hundred pounds" inserted in its place: two ciphers are added to the figurea. is to put Into Cork and await further orders. OATb Sale of U00 aks good Washington Terri- 251 Cosmopolitan.

.4815 'c (lancisoo. will leave Constantinople. The ultimatum of B5 8 Fourth District Court, of E. Ford vs. O.

W. Adopted by tne followicg vote: Axxb nupervisora Dm xwr, ixl wards, Bran, Wise, Shiue, Aaton, Haea, Strother, Boyoe, Roberts, Gibbs, Maodonald. oc31 6t JNO. A. EU8SFXL, Clert.

bT E8OLUTION No. 9774 Sew Series. ltrt Dardanelles. 2cl Yesterday, somewhat 01 a Benaatlon was tery milling at 1 871 fk ctl. gold.

Joseph william boares. Plaintiff, nr. 15 Savage I Oil Sncoor Mr. nacaonaia aavocatea a reierenoe 01 the bids to the Street Oommittee. This course was Langdon, an execntlon baa been levied on Russia to Turkey was dispatched from Livadia where the Russian Court Is sojourning, to Con MINNIE W.

SUAhVES, Defendant. created in tbe Castom-honse when it was a Is. POTATOES Salea of 60) sks Halfmooa Bay at 13erai4 S20 123.SD13 1 295 Union 10 Ilavton 5 2M Exchequer 200 A Curry 151. resolved upon, Mr. Strother voting "No." Action brought in the District conn 01 tne 87cail: luO do choioe Sa inas, tl 15: Sweet, I covered tbat the India had sailed with lot 66.3X90, on the north-east line or aeventb Btree-, 193.8 feet south-east of Howard street, for $721.

Vnnrfh JnlM.I Of-, ki t- stantinople. is) WoodviUe, 410 Jacket. 100 JLV Declaring the intention of tbe Board to out going through the formalities of H5 Justice 24a 24 100 OTHXB BtATXKBS CISPOSKO 01. The order offering a standing reward of 1250 foroia. in and for the etitv and cotintv of SaaT cU.

ONIONS-Quotable at CtL establish intermediate grade on Vallejo treat. taking out her clearance papers. The facts of Francisco, and the complaint filed in aaid lty- BALES TKSTZSDAT AJTXBNOOH. between Mason and Tailor streets. CORN Sale of 200 aks good large yellow at 91 15 for the conviction of Incendiaries, which sum may be awarded by the Mayor should there the case are as follows: When a British vessel Rkbolvkd.

That it Is tbe Intention of and county of San Francisco, in the ofboe the Clerk of said District Oourt. 9 ctL enters the harbor it is her duty to deposit her invuuv 078 474S6iO 15'o)15H merely be an attempt at arson, was voted noon The Armistice Not Signed Tet. Pabis, Ootober 31. Advices from Constantinople last night say tbat the Armistice was not then signed, but its signature was regarded as probable. RYE Holders are not disposed to sell for less 8 8N Bel The People of tbe Btat of California send three times and passed.

register, at the British Consul, who gives the Master a certificate for tbe Oastom-House, than tl 6ii otl. a 3). -25i 23 greeting ta Minnie W. Soares, defenaaut. 20 310 A Belch.

150 115 California. 100 lnu Caledonia. S80 Tne order giving permission to construct a bf 48 ..675957 25gU0c 10, aw ti- stating tne performance of that duty. The Tee. BCCKWHB AT The last reported sales of choioe 50 1200 Coso this Board to change and moify tbe ade of Vallejo street, from Mason to Taylor a reet, tinder and in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature entitled "An Act to authorize the Board of Supervisors of the city and county of San Francisco to modify and change the grades of streets in said eity and county," ap California Thiatrb.

The grand opera of Xou are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by tbe above named plaintiff wire rope railroad np Telegrahh HiU was referred to the Street Oommitte. eel is then entered and the certificate remains in 2rs2 50885 were at 3o 4 S. the Custom-Honse until the vessel clears 50. Tbe order establishing the grade of Seventh HOPS Market firm, buyers offering '6(S Ho while La Belle Heltne will be presented tbla evening by the German Opera Bonffe Company. .1.

01 in the District Court of the aourtn judicial District of the State of California, in and for the 800 street passed. boldera of p.ime aemand ZiKaDo and upwards. when, if everything is correct, dues paid, the Consular Certificate is delivered to 5 20it 165 Curry If 1011k 93 10c 17e eity and county of San Francisco, and to answet Tbe proposed payment of 150 to the widow of Grand Opeba Housa. Since tbe revival of some being held a 1540c. 37o 200 2IM Hussey WOOL Current rates are quotable as follows: proved March 2a, 1868, ana in accordance witn the petition heretofore received by this Board signed by the owners of tor e-foarths of the George W.

Ames, a deceased fireman, was indefinitely postponed. u(aii3 12 Snowflake at tbis theatre on Monday evening last, several changes have been made in lhU Jackson 4 120 Justice 2takJ4 75KKCon. 2 luJIJo for Southern; li15e for Svn Joaquin Democratic Mass-Seetin at Stockton. Stockton, Ootober SO. The Democratic mass-meeting at Hickman's Hall tbia evening was largely attended.

The meeting waa addressed by Professor K. 0. Llppett and Captain W. B. Turner.

the Master, who takes it to the Consul, who, on its receipt, delivers tbe Master his register, etc, and he is legally clear of the port. In the present case the carga was cleared by Falkner, Bell on the 34th instant, and the Captain. i-i 375 hWT 50 Ao authorization of for special police property to be affected thereby, and aa recom 1025 Leopard 6Ma6 the complaint filed therein, wiuiin ten da (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons if served within this' county; or, if served out of thia county, but in this district, within twenty days; otherwise, within torty days or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said complaint. officers, and for hire of wagons, required at the election, was passed to print. the cast, one of which at least is an improvement.

Last evening the play wax produced 155 Mexican mended by the Oity and Coon Surveyor, to wit: lidtnSo for Nortafrn; 16a20c for Mendocino and Humboldt; 20a 23i for choioa Northern free, and 18 it! 6c for consignments from Oregon. Exceptional paroela will, of course, bring figures at an advance without making the least attempt to dear his ves Supervisor Macdonald introduced a resolution To establish the grade on vallejo street, at a and then the thing is done, since ail the other parts of the document, including the signature, are quite correct, This ingenious plan ia causing great consternation in London, and the gentleman who invented it conld get a good round earn to retire from business. CHINESE CONCERNS. Hongkong datei to October 2d hive been received. Items of news are aa follows fixing the regular hour for commencing the sel at the Custom-House, went to the ConBUl on Saturday, and applied for and received hia regis point one handled and eighty-five and cne half Paoifie Ktock and Exchange Board.

SAL Ed THIS MOKSIKO. over the above qaotatio is. weekly meetings at two clock at. with Mrs. Norton Bush assuming tbe role of "Queen character having heretofore been sustained by Miss Montague.

Tbe change is an improvement, and the audience (18A e-ii) feet west 01 asou street, at an aieva- ter, and all the necessary formalities were The said action is brought to obtain a decree HAY Choioa Wheat is very scarce and would The Board then adjourned. IOAIdha. 454a lfiO ...24924 90.. 7 ilon of one hundred and eigaty-eeven (187) feet above base. Mi.laiia.

readily bring CIS ton. 20 Democratic Meeting tn Sacramento. Sacramento, October so. Hon. T.

H. Lame, of Santa Clara, addressed a very large and a very enthusiastlo Democratic mass-meeting here to-night. gone through with. Now he undoubtedly misrepresented facts to the Consul, or, as the latter states, a rush of business at the time the 1i Atlantic 2 50 Kentuck Real Katate matters. 12 Also, to establish the grade on Vailejo ttreet.

100 aduw 2S 240 Ion Leviathan. dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, npoo the grounds alleged in the complaint on file herein, to which reference is made; also, for snoh oiher and farther relief ss to tbe Court shall aeem meet. 114) Alta 2 Captain was In the office confused all hands. 10. 23 at a point two hundred and fifteen and one-half (216 6-12) feet west of Mason street, at an eleva lVevl, by executor, to Castle, lot 109x130 BABeloner 48 and his register, was handed to him under aOMex iOM tion of two hundred and three (203) feet above 20 bW .48 3 the supposition that everything had been per.

on south-east corner of Van Ness avenue and O'Farrell street, 923,600. were benefitted infinitely. We are always happy to chronicle tbe advancement of California taient, and it ia with pleasure we noted tbe rounds higher this gifted and pleasing young actress has made on the theatrioal ladder. Mrs. Bush's conception of the character (if we may use the term) ia far more re 5 0 base.

formed in due manner at the Oastom-House. And yon are hereby notified that if 77 fs't ts 50 Al to modify the grade on aald vallejo The penalty for such a breach of law is about Savings and Loan Society to Vandenbnrg, to 40 .48 2S Belcher 17i74t 20 15 M'nnmt 5 NYork 95c $500. while at Liverpool the Master will un appear and answer the said complaint, as abova required, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. street, from the points na ntd, ui as to conform ti the gralo of the contiguous oroasinga. Blazing wilh Enthusiasm.

Mkbcid, October 30. Dr. Short la addressing an immense meeting here. A torchlight procession, half a mile In length, paraded our streets. This evening Wigglntona home ia a erfeot blau of enthusiasm.

J. W. ROBZBTSON. i 5 ti 35x114, on south line to Twenty-ninth street, 205 west of Benches, $350. unnir.

.13 doubtedly be brought np with a round turn for the deception practiced on the Consul, in addition 5 Point 107a 2u0 And all tbe lots fronting on Dotn aloes 01 vai- Given under my hand and seal of the District fined than her predecessors, many of the uu 1 waii Of 3. ..12 Sunny Vale Homestead Association to A to the breach of Maritime Law. Oourt of the Fourth Judicial District of the 1(0. 30.. 31 SO Overman saraftj objectionable features Miss Montague Intro Heavy exportationa of silk to Europe continue.

There are continued reports of interior insurrections, and persecution of native Christians. Tbe American three-masted schooner Charlet C. Leary, with a mixad cargo for New rs.went ashore on a reef in the Suiu Sea on the and ultimately became a total wreck. All hands and about 100 tons of cargo were saved. There has been a oollis on la the Idsuml Straits, in the Inland Sea, between the steamers SAotea-iaarw and the Tokutkima-maru.

The former sank in thirty fathoms of water an hoar afterward. All the crew and twenty-three out of thirty passengers, were saved. Negotiations at Chefoo have been concluded. Breckenfeld, lot 13 In block 40, $360. lelo street, from Bason to Taylor street, will be benefitted, aad shall be assessed to pay any damages that may be awarded by reason of such changes and modification.

avracino Overland Passengers. 8" 78 .78 1 21.iff.S5i TO 20 Ghollar 60 Hegarty and wife to Geary, lot 75x125, on south-west corner Eighteenth and Eureka streets, $2,250. 51" duced having ei'her been toned down or left out altogether. Of the change from Mr. John Jack to tbat of John Woodward In the role of "Master of Ceremonies" we can scarcely speak 100 8 Nevada lit.

And the Glerk is hereby directed to advertise Cakltk, October SO. The following-named 1J State of California, in and for the city and county of Ban Francisoo, this 7th day of Augnet, is the year of our Lord one thousand eight bundled and seventy-six. (Seal) TH08. H. REYNOLDS, Clerk.

By Wm. Ledlie, Deputy C-rk. R. Thompson, Plaintiffs Attorney. ocll law2mW A McCaw to Manning et al.

certain, oys 2i0 Savage. ltOU'Jt overland passengers passed here to-day by 450 1154 of l70c ter beds and town site at the month of the Aa- thia resolution for thirty days in the official newspaper of this city and county, aa and for the notioe required by law. rati, to arrive in San Francisco October list: ioii Trojan 70e IfOTPeak 1 Sti Bumpcion River, Go of California, $3,000. 215 Vir in praise. Although the qualifications of tbe former gentleman In this line of business were not extensive, they were certainly far superior to those of Mr.

Woodward as he presented Mrs Smiley, Master George Smiley, Miss 20 in Board or Bupervlaora. nan rrancueo. 20 Trenton. 10vl0 TERESA E. MACNZYTN HENRY p.

MACNJ.VXN. 1 16th Dist. Oourt. No. 9370.

I Execution. Mayne to Clark, lot 67MX100, on the sou th-west corner of Dolores and a enty-eishth streets. 280 Dardanelles, ....2 BTUaA-Ssuim at balers to quality. CORN MEAL Table kin is. 23o 3.

Feed is Be bom the mills at i24i7 59 ton. LI! DLWJS-Selling from tbe mllli at 22 50 ton. cSRAN ScUini from the eity mills at 17 ton. OtL-CAKE MEAL The mill prioe is til 30 JU. EGGS Frean rsaeh ere selling at Duck.

45c: Oregon, 40c; Eastern. ftao: Salt Lake, lOJMSo; Ogden, 4Co dos. BCTi'ER We quote Fraeh Roll at ICittOc California (firkin, 27 Eastern do, 18'flHio; OaL Pickled Roll. 27 i2-o. CHEESE California, 714o: Eastern.

14916s PROVISIONS Current Sobbing rates are as follows: Eastern Hams, California Hams 15i5c: Oregon Hams, aV-o: Calif onus Bacon Lard. 15e in tierces, and la cases; Smoked Beef. lltll)c. BEANS Current quotaaons are as follows: Pea, f2 0150: SmaU White, gl 10: Small Butter, 1 Ul Large Batter, 11 7tl Bayo, ti itsaj 74; Pink. 2 7 1 0J; Red.

(1 0 lal 15. HONEY We aaote comae White, in frames, at 10.20; Ko. i.7i$3c: Dark, 6j: Strained, (S so fc. PK ARE- Quotable at 1 2531 75 ctl. as to quality and kmd.

SEEDS-Caaary selling at lPe; Flax at 5 Mnatard at 2 ale for white aad fer brown: Alfaiia. UdUc Rif Ajt- vtuotacie at 26S270 k. October SO, 1876. 50 Kxcheauer 15 the character of last eveninff. Altbonsh the Sallie smiley, a Morreii ana wiie, Mrs Garwood, Ban Francisco; Mrs.

Ada DeForest, Oaklaad Mrs A Wnitman. Bakersfleld. Cak JO. .9 ao 124 in Ward i'jJ $1,400 Adopad by the 10) lowing vote: i bould A 0 15 200 Sawyer to WB Ladlow and wife lot 35x114 Alas SUDervlsora Druoker. Edwards, Bryan.

iv a 22- "Prince of Goldland" (Miss Gertie Granville) may be a very fascinating and handsome young sprig of nobility, and her appearance In the BALE. Under and by virtue of an on south line of Colombia Btreet, 355 feet west of Wise, Bbine, Eaton. Hayes, Strother, Boyoe, 40 Hale A -S w- Mrs Morgan, Connecticut; Walker, wife and two children, Oakland Rogers -n a 1 a .1 i.t and uuerrero, Boberts, Uibbe, atacdonald. SALES TrSTERDAT ATTIKNOOS. execntlon Issued out of the District Oourt of the Fifteenth Judicial District of the State of Cal The demands of Sir Thomas Wade have all been agreed to by Li Hoog-chang.

The principal terms of tbe settlement are the opening of of the port of Pukhoi, Wencbow, Wuhu, and Ichaog to foreign trade, together with the privilege of landing and shipping merchandise and passengers at six towns along the river Tang-teas by steamers. The right of navigation on tbe Upper Tang-use by steamers aa far as Chung-king is likewise conceded, and a British Consul will be stationed at OCSl Hit JHO. A. BTJBSBTLTj, Clnl. 2S mi 50 dangbter, Laihrop.

Miss Lies, Mis 1 w.Hollis, by attorney, to AH Yeaaell, lot S2x 82, on the north line of O'Farrell street. 473 feet west of Btelner. $4,110. Chapman to Stanford et al. Ins 41 RviaT a 75 A bVloter ..47 07 40 Hi Bullion 5...

at- 400 Coso Con Sue ifornia, in and for the city and county of Saa Fran oi soo, duly attested on the 3d day of October, A. D. 1876, in the above entitled action, upon Man afield Hon. san Francisco Miss senray, a sen ray, Philadelphia: Walker an wife. San Jose: 300 Mexican IN THB DISTRICT COURT OF THE Fourth Judicial District of the State ot Mrs Jas Roogers, Maine Mrs A Vance, San Calif or 57HI on east line of Stelnec street, 137.6 feet south of Con Va 52 IV.

Francisco: Mrs Bjiourn. Miss ADbie nui- California, in and for tae eity and county of an order was duly made and entered on the 19th day of September, A. D. 1876, requiring said defendant, Henry P. Macnevln, to pay to said 105 Poms.

60 1..18 born, Maine Mrs A Ban, Miss Emma Bart. nan a raaciBco. SSuOImp 1 8(33 77 JO Belle 26 S35 a ura eirTCt, Hollia to Rogers, lot 32x75, on west line of Jessie st.eet, 85 ft north of Twenty-first Street, $3,700. Michigan Downer San Francisco Joan MATILDA BILL. Plaintiff, vs.

W. GIEB. plaintiff, Teresa E. Macnevln, in United States 10 10. .274 luti 10.

11 Harper and family, Mrs Minnie Scott and LINGS. Defendant. 20 10. .28 su En Con. dangbter.

New York: Chas Scott and wile, There were recorded 13 deeds, wain Saa m. Action brought in the District Court of the 150 Gila it gold coin, tbe sum of S600, counsel fees, 500, expenses of trial, and $60 per month, alimony, for six months last past (prior to said 19th day 20.. 3 4.VI NCoso 2h. o72A. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB FISX-teenth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the city and county of baa Francisco.

HENRY D. RUBSILL, Plaintiff, LU0X RUSSILL. Defendant. Action brought in the District Court of the Nineteenth Judicial District of the Stt CsM-fomia, in and fer the city and county of Saa Francisco, and the complaint filed in aaid oity and county of San Francisoo in the office of the Clerk of aaid District Ooart, The People of the State of California send greeting to Lacy Russili, defendant. You are hereby required to appear ia an actios brought against you by tbe above named plaint iff in the District Oourt of the Nineteenth Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the city and eounty ot San Francisoo, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the aer vice on you of this summona if served wit tin that port.

With respect to ths Tuanan outrage Sir nomas Wade has succeeded in obtaining aa indemnity, including compensatirn the family of the late Mr. Margery, A British Consul is to reside in Tunnsn-f and full satisfaction for the murder of Mr. Margary and the attack on Colonel Brown's expedition have baea promised. The agreement is, we understand, to take effect at once. 20o 90.

.65 last scene may can ior a very warm reception by the we would suggest to "Pigmy Klick" tbat he would better respect the proprieties by a le98 demonstrative sal nation; and, also, that Mr. Cbarlea Edmonds sbould disperse with bis casllgation of "Brother Pick," which, to aay the least, certainly borders upon vulgarity. For aome time past tbere has been an apparent aosence of an order and good management bebind the scenes. The constant snouting and chattering in tbe wings, and tae display of yonng men and women striamg attitudes at tbe sides, in full view of audience, is not calculated to add to the interest of tbe play. The performance commenced with tbe comedy, In two acta, entitled ATaay Cthtai, with Miss Mayhew in tbe tide role.

She introduced some Irish songs, which were well received. The remainder of the cast was good, but deserves no special mention. Same bid this evening and until further notice. Fourth Judicial District of tbe State of Cali mortgages, value $30,250, and 6 releasee, value oan tfOse; miss Aogusta Ba ker, Maine; Mrs Lathrop, Master Ben Lathrop, Archbishop 1 4 2 YOQ.OUU. ion li-t Great East llafoii or September, 1876) upon which there is now due in United ates gold coin the sum of $1,400.

1 fornia, in and for the ciiy and county of twa Francisco, and tbe eomplalnt filed in aaid city and county of San Francisco, in the office of vooper, oan rrancsco; -neeier, caii'orn a Watson. Boston A Kellv. Seattle l.VaU niisisr urntur a nave leviea upon ail tne riant, title ana inter LdaTaT Meetfkg: or trie Piper Gmatrd. The Piper Guard mustered In full force at ue cterx 01 aaia court. a lu.14 est which the said defendant, Henry P.

Mae. -Hi IW 51 TU 1 .51 TALLOW Quotable at S6.e for arnde, aad Tbe People of the State of Oaliforala send a 87 SC nevin, naa on lvtn aay of Bentember. A. D. fornia; Abbott, Indiana; Zelle, San Francisco Dresser, Mrs Kelser, Marys- 8S'o tor refined su Gennessee sreetins to W. fendant. 1 1876, the day on which said order was made and POULTRY -Aeccote liens at tTOOfrBOO; Boos John's Day of Jnbilee. Tuie, ai mumms ana wire. Colorado iiciuvr 4i7 Kav A kit Sm. inbred, aa aforesaid, or which he may have sub.

Irish-American Hall last night and added 87 recruits to their ranks. The roll of membership contains more than 303 names. President J. t. ion are nereoy reqnirea to appear in an orouirht airainst vou by toe above named 10M 40 Justice 145 Leonard Miaa alarv AlhATt Virginia CH.

ters. 50..7 Wi Broilors. 4 00 4 10: Docks. 7 5i1dt doaei: Tarkeja. butb.

18a21a Geese ti 90 sequently acquired in and to the hereinafter S6 490 South Ch X(ai7e lodiana A Green and wife, Elko; Harri- Ml described property situate, lying and being in aev. Stockton Herald. Our Mongolian fellow-citizens we desira 2 Si 11 pair. son, usKiana: ramp stein, Indiana: A Par ..0 10 6 ajOTroian. C2e 4- umo.

...12 ker, wife and California; Wm Soipiey, Nevada A Babco*ck. Connecticut tne city ana county 01 Ban Francisco, Btataof California, then standing of record la the office of tbe County Recorder of said city and county i70 Jacket 22 GAME Venison, small. 733c: Large, 83Se ft: Quail. 1 3- dos: smaU Docks. 1 fcl 15 dos- Mallards, S4 0i(4 56 dos; Sprigs, (1 02 00 to get into their good graces against the time they shall be fellow-citixsns in fact are carrying pretty high heads just now.

They have .0 SO 20.. 11 Kelly made an effective speeeh. The organisation is independent. He gloried in that fact. They we: the hirelings of no man.

They had asked no outside aid and they wanted none. They supported Mr. Piper because of his honesty and out-spocenness on the Chinese question and the record he had made for himself on the snh. Japanese Jets. lar and wife.

Miss Lncy Jones, St Paul Mrs Kirk, Miss Julia Haste, San Francisco in the name of said defendant, Henry P. Mac 30 0 ne 9 Caltfbrai 50 10. 22 plaintiff, in the District Court of tbe Fourth judicial District of tne State of California, in and for the city and county ot San Francisco, and te answer tbe complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons if served within this county; or, if served oat of this county, but in this district, within twenty dsys; otherwise.wltbin forty dajs-or judgment by default will betaken against yon, aocordlng to the prayer of aald complaint. dox: Teal, (1 Ou dos: liare.lijsl 50 tk dos nevln, and bounded and described as followa: this county; or, it served out of this but in this dis vict, within twenty daya; otharvritu, within forty daya or judgment by default witt be taken against you, acoording to the prayer of aaid complaint. The aaid action is broueht to obtain a decree of thia Oourt, dissolving tbe bonds of matrimcs; 10.

108 OommencinK at a point on the northerly line 74c Rabbita, 1'1 25 dos: English Snipe. 7 Reynolds, Mrs Mary Reynolds, Napa, Cai Miss Waite, Maine Peter Casey, Ireland; Mrs Crawford, Kansas Mrs Horace Brown, Kitty dos: enmmon do, 5i7 dox: Geese, white SI 0 -25: rru. tJOtfel 5U dos. of Broadway Btreet distant aeventy-aeven feet and six inches (77 $-12) easterly from the east act In Congress. Mr.

Piper had done found oat that Morton ia in California la lung notes, and they know very well what he is going to do with these notes. At toast they know what the Republican State Central Committee has promised shall be done when a ark aad Exchance Board. BALX8 TUTS BtOBXTjtO gooa service ior tue worxinaman, and the VKGETABIXS Caboage. Smton otl; Msr- uiuwu, Aurora, in; A xargo, uailtornia Mrs A Sherman. Pennsylvania: Miss 1 f.i Stioaaa 00 tun: trajiic ao4a at erly line of Uctavia street; tnenoe easterly along tbe said northerly line of Broadway street sixty ,..4546 101 Lady Bryan 75e Carson, Mrs Smith.

San Francisco: Mc iln. feu, S1 Cucumbers. s75e The said action is orongni to recover tne sum (oui feet: thence at risbt angles northerly one now and heretofore exis ing between plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds set forth in the complaint on fi heiein, to whiea reference is hereby made; tbat plaintiff have the care, custody and control of the two chtldr-n, the ash 24 Hayes is President and Morton runs tbe gov 109 10 20 KM Alta Donald, Virginia City Chas Randall, San Leviathan. Su7e hundred and twenty five (125) feet; thence at right anslea westerly twenty-five (28) feet; thenoe xraiwiBuu: ADiueuaira, xtufeiou. of fifteen hundred dollars, gold com, alleged to be due on promts-ory notes and money loaned by plaintiff to defendant in the amounts and at tne times herein specified, via: looraia sss Reno paisen eers Fred Benrer.

Henrv IS JHkvmiu TA box: bummer Squash. iNtl box: String Baana. loJc Green Corn. Ilti8c dee; Tomatoes. 500,750 box: Chile Peppers.

5i4 75o Oraa. ease Plant, 1 lie a box: Lima Beaaa. RL'lf TaOiM Orangee. a45 HI bicily boxwaustraliaa at right angles southerly twenty-five (26) feet workingmen oogat not to forget wbo had befriended them. The only fault his opponents conld bring against him waa that he waa not talented.

Well, be certainly' had not tbe gift that had made Belknap's name it. amoua, and if he had not a silver tongue, like one cf his opponents, hs bad at least an honest voice, acd he had proved himself worthy of confidence aad support. Mr. Msx Popper also addressed tbe meeting. An invitation from the Benrer.BeitG Beraer.

Anna Theresa Benrer. ernment. And they look forward with unwavering confidence to tbe time when tbey will "vote alio seme Dutchman; alle same Democlat," for, docile pagans, they swear with surpassing volubility. They are Sol Smith Russell. Mrs Sol RusselL Miaa Kit a Bessie.

87 lW Monnm'l a irinit fromlxBory note datea May. 1876. for the nee at right anglea westerly tnirty-nve feet: thence at riaht anarlea sontheriy one nan- ltwAipme. 2 UA tlal .1 lvi Andes. 2 ISO a 10..

2 3J Bel i 320 issue of said marriage, mentioned in the complaint; and for general relief. And you are hereby notified that if yon fall to appear and answer the aaid complaint, aa above required, the aaid plaintiff will apply to the Morgan, Miss Aliie Kellogg, Miss Annie Ander the sum ef $450, with Interest at one per cent per month. son, jaioen Anaerson. Mazwnald ISiaisc lNDartoa tnm tier Oocoanuie. ce vmt iw: sa.

ai su at ounch: Puis Appiee. Ss area (100) feet to tbe northerly line 01 snauwaj atreet and tbe point of commencement, together Dates from Yokohama to October 13th have been received. Newa items are aa followa: Officials lust returned from Oorea report the discovery of a large coal mine there. Kentaro Yanaglya, present Superintendent of Cu stems in Tokonama, haa been appointed Consul in Man Francisco. The British bark Tktteut, at London, from Manila to San Franca soo, was wrecked Sept.

11th on one of the Loo Choo Islands. The Cap sin, first mate, and eiht others were lost. The second mate, carpenter, cook and ten others were saved, and treated with great kindness by the Islanders. They were afterwards brought by a Japanese steamer to lobe, October 2d. The names of the lost and saved are as followa: Lost Henry Toogood.

Wm. Cbeyne, Shinsten Snowdon, James Lovett, John newart, John Sheridan, Martin Christeueon. Daniel Robb, Alexander Bnchan, Thomas White. Saved Wm. Clarke.

Francia Potagdetre. Wm. Loocke, Wm. Martin. Edward Hughes, Charles Meyers, H-nry Lawson, John Lotaman, John Burns, John Bydes, Charles Stett, Phillip Miller, Frederick Goloiag.

aecona noraiaeory note dated May, is70, ior llOMBaltao 2Sci 80 OiMur Oourt for auoh relief demanded therein. Callforniena tat Mew I srk. Seventh Ward Club, to participate in a Demo. going to have Mr. Morton up here to take testimony.

They think he is the great American Mogul and can do anything. They are not far out of the way about that either. He BeioAar IBS 45 tbe rum of $100, with interest at one per cent per month. ff SirawbeiTMis, 8 00-)0 eneet of S9 sT Apples, Sfoal 25 box: Plums, 4.4e 5- Pear. iSevael 50 box: Walermeiona, a dos: Grapes.

10 Overman 81 cratic barbecue next Sunday, was accepted. witn ail ana singular ina tenements, iwuii-menta and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining Second Commencing at tbe northeasterly la Third Money loaned on the 21st day 01 Au is 95 The following-named have arrived la New Tork from San Francisco: G. W. Alexander I' i85 Oregon. 494 sn Rose of Peru, box: Btack Ham- gust, 1876, in the sum of $930.

gold coin, with ean do anything he pleases with a Republi Oautorni igji571 lis ProeDeet. nnn or Stockton and California atreeta rl a ai hoz: Muscat Grapes, can Aamims traiion ana nenate. and wife, R. L. Ogden, H.

W. Renner, 8. JBerttrairea Recarded. The following moragei hare been recorded thnnrn mnnlur northerly along the easterly interest at one per eent per montn. Reference ia made to the eomplalnt on file hnil Ouinc.lelb.x: Figs.

a6e It; Given nnder my hand and the seal of the District Oourt of the Nineteenth Judicial District of the State of California, in and far ths eity and county of Ban Francisco, thia 20th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. (Seal) THOS. H. RETNOLES, Clerk. By W.

H. Reed, Deputy Cierk, ocaoiaw2mU lonnaenoe 16 1 IHI Va. fearaca ConnelL J. A. Benham, W.

W. Montague, Mexican Oranges, as. lliUl ll Imnanal A herein. us na since our last issntK JZZ? AiTnis: for hard, aad 14S16) Donaldson, F. Bo lies, E.

0. Hireln and aon. L. Canfleld and wife, G. W.

MarahaiL bl l' eOosmoa'a. line of Suckton street forty-five (46) feet; thence at rinht anglea easterly aixty-elgnt feet and nine inches (68 8-12); thenoe at right angles southerly forty five (45) teet to the northerly line of California street: thenoe along the north 1 8 Hill. Rothschild to Weir, for years, at 9 And yon are hereby notified tbat if you fao to appear and answer tne saic complaint as above required, the aaid plaintiff will take Ijt Sv.JfiHe 44) McDonald aed wife. From other pans of Cai- Appiea. 5co 1 Peaches, Not Wholly.

The accidental impression which a lady's croquet hammer makes upon the cranium of a seniitive yonng man is not wholly exhausted when he spreads himself out on the grass, like a bruised turtle, and howls for his mother. So 17 rv A a per cent, on the lot on the north line of Pine street, 3064 feet west of Octavla street. uomia: o. w. uaurca, ti.

Ja. Keweil and KMCosoOon judgment against you for the com of fifteen 11 Trenton iuvaif-. erly line of California atreet sixty-eight feet and srooxa, r. uppenneim, severance. J.

N. Ai nine inches (68 V-lAi to the point 01 Beginning. $7,500. xoung, Baxter, a. Gibbons, w.

H. a a Juts i 0o 11J 4ai3 Blackbenws, -a 275 box: Wnite Ftsa. a bX 7 Public notioe is hereby given tbat ou THURS Peggs to 1 Gnnn. for 1 year, at lw per auuwia, n. xrayca auu wue, w.

A. rfonnson. iJV'Unioojr ivai1 DAY, tbe 16th day of November, A.D. 1876. at 12 icneooar hi IS lSK lv Thomas lwu Goalaa Pexiabxso fob Wrsnx The Pinto In is Union -S ae Wood villa.

1 cent, on the lot 10x75 on the nonh-eaat corner of Ellis and Beldeman street, $300. o'clock noon, of that day, in front of the City Hall, Tbe McCleJJan Lerien. dians encamped in tne soutn-eaatern suburbs of tbe city are preparing for Winter, remarks the Virginia City Enterprise. Ont of all hundred dollars, with lnlerast, as atoresata, son costs of suit, all in gold coin. Given under my band and seal of the District Court of tbe Fourth Judicial District of the State of California, in aod for the city and county of San Francisco, this 9th day of Sep tember, tn the year ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six.

(Seal) THOS. H. REYNOLDS, Clerk. By Wm. Ledlie, Deputy Clerk.

ocl8 lawxmW in tne city ana county or Ban ran Cisco, 1 wm sell all the right, title and interest which the said Carroll aad wire to tne niternia Savinin Al Jack xi The McCIellAB Legion assembled last evening So Gkiat. One of the Sunday-School speakers last Sunday spoke on Corinthians. He opened by stating boldly that we cannot all go to Corinth. The disappointment waa so great that the members of the infant class were affected to tears. and Loan Society, for I years, at per cent, on su AiHalee jaiia at their haad-qaartora in Daahaway Hall to listen roa rea rwmMMoa BSdM wxoun a at.

defendant, Henry P. Macnevln, had on the 19th day of September. A. D. 1876.

the day on whioh tbe lot 30X13 on tne aouu-east line of Minna manner of scraps of lumber several faxnilir a have constructed huts somewhat resembling said order was made and entered, aa aforesaid, or street, ieet north-east of Third atreet, 1 1 to the address of Judge W. B. Norman. Colonel D'Arry ealled the meeting to order aad lntro-cnoed the speaker of the eveninK. The addrnaa 10..

il', b.Ji) TnaaOAT. October It. which ne may nave subsequently acquired in ana to tbe above described properiy, to the highest toe caoms ci uio wmwi Asiuiug a stroll in that part of tbe town, a day or two ainoe. sLotTnnxa v. ivuin: Sparry A xientecn to tne nuinoorat savmga ana Loan Society, on the lot i5xlS7.

on the Benin J5i BcOoU A Teuney asigtabem A Co Who is Hx The author of the following I OMI. I line of Post street, 117.S feet west of Hyde atreet, Sl.fou. Diaoer ior goia com or the united states. Ban Francisco, October 2Stb, 1876. MATTHEW HUNAN, Sheriff oe2S sol 8 waa interesting throughout, and a vote of thanka was tendered to him at the does.

Mr. Bobcats then entertained the audience with a aeries of onirinai political songs, after which the Legion adjourned with cheers for Tilden and Hen- 2i.W ctts. McNear; 4s4 HOTICK TO ft EDITORS. uccupy a grjoa position scamiai to xt a.nenmeiater, ior 1 g-O dlTuTf Ala he wE A Co; 7 Bra, 'l rilaner; BblPreahoACe. Xo- we noticed one brave mounted upon hia ahanty, where he was industriously engaged In nailing in place a tin roof, the tin used being obtained by palling to pieces old oilcans.

The shanties are provided with hinged we observed that one waa tutened with a formidable-looking padlock. In two ESTATE OF MORRIS H. LOXWE, DE. ItlKi ancxa. year, at IX per oeBt lot on the south-east corner ef Greenwich and Larkm atreeta, $1,000.

tutvug vui jAiuviiaa poets, vt no la ner vnnse I laved annuther gsL her name it was mnrrier; but betay deer my luv for a la forty times more heir. SN THE PROBATE OOURT OF THE CTTT aud oounty of San Francisoo, State of Call, fornia. Ia tbe matter cf the estate of CHAS. M. CHAMBERLAIN, decersed.

It appearing to the Judge of said Court, by tbe petition this day presented and filed by Helo Chamberlain, the administratrix of tbe eeta'e cf Obaa. M- Chamberlain, deeoeased, praying for an order of sale of real estate, that it is ctots-aary to sell the whole or some pjnion of tha real estate, to pay the family allowance and the debts, expenses and charges of administration It is therefore ordered by the Judge of Court, tbat ail persona interested in the ALe of said deceased, appear before the aaid Pnta'a Court on FBIDT, the 1st day of December, A D. 1876, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon ef said day, at ihe Court -room of said Probate Court, at ths Crtv Hall, in said city aed County, to show Cac.e why an oroer should not be grained to the said a -atrix to sell so much of tbe real estate of the said deceased ss shall be eceeary. And that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks in the Daiii Exa-raxx, a newspaper printed and published ia said eounty. M.

H. MTRI0K, Probate Jnge. Dated October SOth, 1876. oc30 ljYK4 Notice ia hereby tdven bv tha nnderaianed. I orter Tenaey; 181 Hughei 11 BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Pen Street, Near Beamy, TaTOTICE is HEREBT given that it 18 Taw TTlden Blaue.

li tbe intention cf Mary E. Cooper, wife of places we noticed considerable flocks ot Tenn-r- eTu "use Laws: 2M stcou Tbe Dfmsrrstic Laundrynaea. A large and entknslastio meetiiig of the A treating of the Tilden Blues waa held last Adm nistrstor with the wi I annexed of the estate of Mort ia H. Loewe, deceased, to the creditors of and all peraons having claims against the said deceased, to exhitit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the chickens, of all sorts ana tils. This shows James K.

Oooper, to make application to become a aols trader. Such application will be made night at Daahaway HalL Two hundred addition. OXl S-l5enier. Total, hefnm the County for the city and cou ty Laandrymeis Tilden and Hendricks Club waa BUt al aamea were added to the rolL Aaothr meet How TO Bmoxx JBexs A oorrespondent who signs himself "Apiariat," asks us '-how to smoke bees." Wo can't tell him. We never amoked bfea nor tobacco, either that he Indiana have aome notion of acquiring property, and that they find a fresh-laid egg a thing to have about the carnn.

At all the cam pa waa seen a ing will be held at tbe snaia place to.uieht.when A ore; ii iVZZ: 5 first publication of this notice, to toe saia aa-mini-trator with tha will im xad. at his office, held last ni ht, the President George Murdock, presiding. A vote was taken to teat ihe question tue sample of the regLa will be presented. The of San Frarcixco, at the November term of said Court, on toe 23d day of SOVAMBER, 1876. Tbe nature of the business will be dealing in general merchandise and stationery, and the said A Cu: 6 Mi ier A "Yf D.nA:ly No.

217 Battery street, in the city and county of xuues enmoer euo. -'0 ord COBTIirUEi TO IMPART SUCH BU5I-nees Education aa haa made Ha gradual in demand fur the past thirteen years in the Mercantile Community for Commercial positiens. Pupi are fitted for the Oountlag-room by its ovel system of ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING. For Circulars call at College, or address K. P.

HEALD, President BuAinees Collage, Ban Bat we should think a good way, if not the stock of dogs, and a considerable number of OPS 63 bis. Philaoinhi. beat, wonld be to dry tne Deee, and grind 'em WOtlL-41 his kin. sTo sorry-looking pome. ban Francisco.

Dated San Francisco, October S3, 1876. JACQUES BLUM, city and county will be tbe place. James K. Cooper ia tae name of the husband of said Mary CHATTax M0kT6Aem. A chattel mortgage haa been executed by Emma Sullenger to A.

A Hail; up like fine-cat oeiore putting em in a pipe. whether the Uicb would aupport Mr. riper or Mr. Davis for Oongreee, which resulted as follows For Piper, in; for Davis, 10. Sight new avem-i be: a were initiated after which three hearty cheers ware given for Tilden, Hendricks and Pi.

per, when the adjciurned. 24 rrder. "tai.i.i. I Administrator with tbe will annexed of the estate Lenhardt. tor two months at 1 ner Mnt on tne Not Lose.

Bitting Boll doern'k ait loaf flasks, Laagls, Oo, Wn Doxa thx Batsn Cbt Cawa. rrancisco, cau X. uooper. Craig Meredith, Atrys for said Applicant. oc26 KW furniture, eie, at No.

Clay streel, for till. 101 atorria xt. Aioewe, titocaBou, J.Naptbaly.Att-y,- oetW a piaw auy latutw auUDjp.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.